Stil-Fit Rowing Machine PRO

Tuotenro SFPRO_002
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2 099,00

Fitshop testitulos
  • STIL-FIT Rowing Machine PRO in a modern and unique design
  • Comfortably high entrance: seat height 49 cm
  • Ergonomic and comfortably upholstered seat
  • Sturdy frame with elegant black finish
  • Touchscreen:
    • 4.3" TFT colour touchscreen
    • Stores data for 6 users
    • Displays time, distance, time to 500 m, stroke rate, calories, watts and heart rate
    • Training against virtual opponents is possible
  • Compatibility:
    • Kinomap
    • EXR (Experience Virtual Indoor Rowing)
  • Programmes:
    • Quick Start
    • Manual mode
    • Time
    • Distance
    • Training with heart rate settings
    • Race pace programme (virtual race)
  • Feet:
    • Foot section is individually adjustable
    • non-slip
  • Space-saving: Can be stored upright when not in use
  • Battery operation with 7 hours running time
  • Heart rate measurement via Bluetooth LE possible
  • Original WaterRower water tank with 13-19 l capacity
  • Transport castors included in the scope of delivery that can be mounted if required
  • Maximum user weight: 120 kg
  • Mitat - Stil-Fit Rowing Machine PRO: (P) 205 cm x (L) 56 cm x (K) 63 cm

Modern design for your home

The STIL-FIT Rowing Machine PRO is based on an extremely stable, elegant frame. High-quality components - such as the water tank from the renowned manufacturer WATERROWER - contribute to the outstanding quality of the rowing machine. The high seat makes access to the training device particularly comfortable. The roller seat is silent, so you can train at any time of day without disturbing anyone. The transport wheels make it easy to move the rowing machine to the desired location. Particularly practical: The STIL-FIT PRO rowing machine can be stored upright after your workout to save space.

Training for the whole body

Rowing trains muscle groups such as legs, waist, bottom, back, shoulders and arms. In addition, your cardiovascular system is trained and a lot of calories are converted. This also makes it perfect for reducing body fat.

Rowing with water resistance

STIL-FIT uses water as a resistance medium. Your resistance adapts to the intensity of your pull. In addition, the water resistance makes your move much more dynamic.


The STIL-FIT Rowing Machine PRO is compatible with the Kinomap and EXR apps. You can row through virtual or professionally filmed waters during your indoor training.

The Kinomap app also allows you to train with coaches, various workouts, GPS routes and other functions.

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Kotikäyttö 24 kk

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