BowFlex BXT18 Treadmill

Tuotenro BF-100908
Tähän asti
2 399,00
Tuotetta ei ole enää varastossa
  • Stable treadmill with a lot of entertainment features
  • High-quality dampening system with rubber buffers
  • 7" touchscreen display
  • Compatible via Bluetooth with the JRNY, KinoMap, Zwift and Explore the World apps
  • Streaming entertainment from Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and Disney+ accessible
  • 4 user profiles
  • Bottle holder and tablet/smartphone slot
  • USB charging port
  • Tekniset tiedot:
    • juoksupinta: 152 x 51 cm
    • nopeus: 0.5 - 20 km/h
    • kaltevuus: 0 - 15 %
  • Harjoitustietokone:
    • Näyttö: aika, matka, nopeus, kaltevuus, kalorit, syke
    • Harjoitusohjelmat yhteensä: 7
  • Varustelu:
    • Sykemittaus: käsisensorit, sykevyö (lisävaruste)
    • Sykevyö pulssin etämittausta varten on saatavana lisävarusteena
    • Tarvikkeet: kuljetuspyörät

BowFlex BXT18 Treadmill: a robust treadmill for daily training at home

Through real-time recording, its 7 different training programmes and compatible streaming apps, the BowFlex treadmill offers an unforgettable and motivational workout experience.
To train efficiently and variably, an incline of up to 15% can be generated. To that end, the high-performance 3.5hp motor can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. The motor also ensures it can be operated quietly.

Joint-friendly running workouts for more stability

Because of the wide tread, measuring in at 152 x 51cm, great fun is guaranteed on the treadmill, including for stockier people. The treadmill is also equipped with a Comfort Tech dampening system, which imparts to it a natural feel and is also easy on the joints.

Entertainment features for a better tread experience

With integrated BowFlex JRNY software, your training progress und fitness level is assessed after each workout. That way, personalised workouts are generated and are adapted to your personal capacity and boundaries. Workout assessment can be viewed direct on the screen or sent via the app to your tablet or smartphone. This function can be used by four profile and, as such, is suitable for the whole family. Alongside the real-time, user-defined programming, there are 7 pre-installed training programmes, with which you can start right away. With the “Explore the World” app, you discover a tread experience very easily at home with video recordings in HD of real-life routes from all over the world. Enjoy streaming entertainment from Netflix or Amazon Video on your display as you're working out.

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