Kettler Optima 800 Crosstrainer

Tuotenro K-CT1025-400-N
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Toimittajana huolintaliike
Tähän asti
1 699,00

Fitshop testitulos
  • Extended Motion technology for an especially joint-friendly and effective motion sequence
  • Training mode: automatic (speed-independent), manual (speed-dependent)
  • Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian
  • User profiles: 4 people + a guest
  • Kettler Premium display with the following great functions: IPN Coaching, HIIT training, heart rate mode, training plans, Bluetooth connection for Kinomap
  • Double ball bearings installed in all hinges
  • Additional hand grip with inbuilt hand-mounted pulse monitor on the Cockpit
  • TFT-colour display (155 x 86mm)
  • Vigorous induction braking with up to 400-watt resistance
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 150 kg
  • Mitat - Kettler Optima 800 Crosstrainer: (P) 144 cm x (L) 56 cm x (K) 162 cm
  • Tekniset tiedot:
    • Jarrujärjestelmä: sähkömagneettinen induktiojarru
    • Teho: 25 - 400 W
    • Liikemassa valmistajan mukaan: 22 kg
    • Askelpituus: 48 cm
    • Askelkorkeus: 15 cm
    • Askelleveys: 19 cm
  • Harjoitustietokone:
    • Vastustasot: 5
    • Näyttö: aika, matka, nopeus, wattinen, kierrosta/min, kalorit, syke
    • Harjoitusprofiilien näyttö TFT
    • Harjoitusohjelmat yhteensä: 15, joista sykeohjattu: 1
    • Muistipaikat: 5
  • Varustelu:
    • Sykemittaus: käsisensorit + sykevyö (lisävaruste)
    • Sykevyö pulssin etämittausta varten on saatavana lisävarusteena
    • Virransyöttö: verkkoliitäntä
    • Tarvikkeet: kuljetuspyörät, juomapulloteline

Slender design and equipment features that make sense:

This especially applies to the Kettler Optima 800 Crosstrainer, the top model in the Optima range from Kettler. With its pleasing, fresh colouring and taking up just 144cm x 56cm of floor space, the Kettler Optima 800 Crosstrainer makes itself noticed where it's found.

The Kettler Optima 800 Crosstrainer is equipped with an extremely high-quality induction braking system with 10 resistance levels and a 22kg flywheel that, together with which the drive system and the doubled ball bearings joints provides for a balanced running round.

Extended Motion technology

The Kettler Optima 800 Crosstrainer has, at its disposal, innovative Extended Motion technology. This technology helps the Kettler Optima 800 Crosstrainer broaden step length by 48cm. The result is a first-class motion sequence that is exceedingly joint-friendly when it runs. As such, the ergonomically optimised exercise course results in reduced pressure on the joints and muscle demand.

Optima 800: A robust Crosstrainer for the whole family

The Kettler Optima 800 has user memory for 4 people and guest access. This is how everyone training on the Crosstrainer can refer back to its data quickly. The training computer offers 10 set settings, many of which are individually programmable.

The Kettler Premium displays maximum training efficiency with Personal Coaching

With the new premium display, Kettler has developed a quickly-understandable Cockpit with intuitive controls. Via the central steering wheel, you can alternate between the settings quickly and adjustment is straightforward. A multitude of training settings are available to you. Of particular interest are the preset training settings, e.g. IPN system, Challenge training, heart rate-based training and HIIT training. The HIIT training (High Intensity training) offers within shortest workout time an intensive training, The you fast to your limits powers.

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