Salta Legend Football Goal

Tuotenro SA-5123
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana UPS
OVH alkaen
Tähän asti alkaen 120,00
alkaen 104,00

  • Durable steel frame with matt-black coating
  • Soft and fine-meshed all-weather netting
  • Material: 0.35 mm PVC
  • Can be assembled and dismantled
  • Additional stability through anchoring
  • Electroplating: Interior and exterior
  • 180 x 120 x 60cm:
    • Steel frame diameter: 38 x 1.2 mm, Diameter 28 x 1.2 mm
    • netting: PE-netting (140 g)
  • 220 x 170 x 80cm:
    • Steel frame diameter: 50.8 x 1.5 mm, Diameter 38 x 1.35 mm
    • Netting: PE-netting (140 g)
  • 300 x 200 x 90cm:
    • Steel frame diameter 50.8 x 1,5 mm / Diameter 38 x 1.35 mm
    • Netting: PE-netting (140 g)

The dream to be a professional footballer - the Salta Legend Football Goal provides growing goalies and strikers with a step towards their goal!
With a modern, black design, the goal is an eye-catcher in the garden, on the street or on the football pitch. The galvanised steel frame and the close-mesh net are extremely weather-resistance and provide the goal with ruggedness. The anchor set provided, with which the goal can be reliably affixed to the ground, ensures safety during a storm or a powerful shot on goal.
No matter whether its relaxed kicking as a pair or an enthralling game in a team, the Salta Legend football goal is an excellent choice and guarantees a great deal of football fun, even outside of the public sports facilities.

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Manufacturer Information

Valmistustiedot sisältävät tuotteen valmistajan osoitteen ja siihen liittyvät tiedot.
  • Salta
    Galvanistraat 36
    7651 DH Tubbergen
    The Netherlands
  • +31 8548 77888
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