Matrix Ergometer U50 xer

Tuotenro MAT-101011-XER
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4 099,00

Fitshop testitulos
  • Sturdy and comfortable ergometer
  • Self-raising pedals with adjustable straps
  • Console apps: My Media, HDMI, Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MyFitnessPal, Weather, web browser, and others
  • Console extras: energy-saving mode, integrated book holder, audio on/off
  • 12 programmes — manual, interval, constant watt figure, target time, target distance, target calories, target heart rate, Sprint 8, Virtual Active American, Virtual Active Northern Rockies, user-defined
  • WLAN and Bluetooth-compatible
  • USB connection
  • Max. Height of the user 150 cm - 193 cm
  • Adjustable multi-position handles with resistance buttons and heart rate sensors, exchangeable
  • Comfort Arc seat, exchangeable
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 159 kg
  • Mitat - Matrix Ergometer U50 xer: (P) 122 cm x (L) 62 cm x (K) 143 cm
  • Tekniset tiedot:
    • Jarrujärjestelmä: sähkömagneettinen induktiojarru
    • Q-faktori / Poljinten etäisyys toisistaan: 19.4 cm
  • Harjoitustietokone:
    • Näyttö: aika, matka, nopeus, wattinen, Kierr./min, kalorit, syke
    • Vastustasot: 30
  • Varustelu:
    • Sykemittaus: käsisensorit + sykevyö (sisältyy toimitukseen)
    • Toimitukseen sisältyy sykevyö sykkeen etämittausta varten
    • Virransyöttö: verkkoliitäntä
    • Satulan säätö: kaltevuus, vaakatasossa, pystysuunta
    • Vaihdettava satula
    • Ohjaustangon säätö: pystysuunta, vaakatasossa, kaltevuus
    • Tarvikkeet: Erittäin matala runko, kuljetuspyörät

Joint-gentle workouts, repeated adjustability, and a sturdy frame: Matrix Ergometer U50 xer

The curved frame provides the highest stability thanks to the 2 circumferential pipes on the sides. This design allows for a very low entry into the equipment. That makes the Matrix Ergometer U50 xer suitable for users of different ages and conditions. The saddle is repeatedly adjustable and provides a lot of comfort even during longer workout units. If you prefer a sportier look, you can replace the saddle with a sports saddle or racing bike saddle. The multi-position handle allows for different grips and is suitable for both a sporty sitting posture and upright sitting positions. The handlebar is mounted with a standard attachment. You can replace it with any common bike handlebar.

With the Matrix ergometer, resistance is generated through a magnetic field. The flywheel is not touched, which makes the drive work very quietly and with little wear and tear. The induction field is generated by an electric coil and changes the resistance more precisely and evenly than other resistance systems.

The drink bottle holder is attached underneath the cockpit and easy to reach. The self-raising pedals with adjustable straps facilitate the start of the workout and give safe support.

A special equipment feature of Matrix home fitness machines is the console.

The XER console: intuitive control and apps for adventurous workouts

The XER console has a brilliant 10" touchscreen display and is a complete entertainment system. Thanks to the display and built-in loudspeakers, you can stream videos during the workout. Connect to your home network via WLAN and use pre-installed apps like Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube.

The console has 12 standard workout programmes. In addition, there is the exclusive Matrix Sprint 8 programme. Developed according to the HIIT principle (High-Intensity Interval Training), that highly intensive interval workout programme is especially effective for developing muscles and burning fat.

Thanks to Viewfit technology, you can upload your workout units to social media and share them with your friends if you wish. The community in this area is rapidly growing and serves you as another motivating force.

You can always keep an eye on your heart rate thanks to integrated polar measurement technology (chest strap is included in the scope of delivery). With support from the Matrix Ergometer U50 xer, you have the possibility of always working out in the right heart rate range in order to reach your workout goals in a healthy and focused manner.

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Valmistajan takuu Täystakuu
Kotikäyttö 36 kk

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Fitshop testitulos

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