
Osta Matrix ergometri Euroopan kotikuntoilun ykköseltä

Matrix tarjoaa laajan valikoiman korkealuokkaisia kuntolaitteita ja lisävarusteita treeneihin kotona. Matrix ergometri tuotteiden avulla voit kohottaa kuntoa kotona tehokkaasti, pudottaa painoa ja pitää itsesi terveenä.
  • Varastossa
    You will train very comfortably on the Matrix Rekumbentti R50 xir, while having all the important components within reach and this is all on a very robust device. The XIR console provides maximum comfort in light of operability, training diversity and entertainment.
    5 099,00
    • Varustelu
    • Ergonomia
    • Liikerata
    • Tukevuus
  • Varastossa
    With the Matrix recumbent ergometer R50 xr, you get reliable and powerful endurance training equipment. It is impressive with its attractive design, high workout comfort, and compact construction.
    3 599,00
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    • Ergonomia
    • Liikerata
    • Tukevuus
  • Varastossa
    The Matrix Ergometer U50 xir with built-in XIR console is a high-quality and quiet ergometer that allows you to have a comfortable workout experience.
    4 599,00
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    • Ergonomia
    • Liikerata
    • Tukevuus
  • Varastossa
    The Matrix recumbent ergometer R50 XER is impressive with the highly developed XER console, which gives you maximum variety during workouts along with plenty of access to apps. With the console, you can choose from 12 different programmes and 30 resistance levels and let yourself be entertained at the same time with various entertainment apps like Spotify, Netflix, YouTube, or the web browser.
    4 499,00
    • Varustelu
    • Ergonomia
    • Liikerata
    • Tukevuus
  • Varastossa

    Matrix fitness – bring studio quality home now

    Matrix fitness equipment is known worldwide as first-class studio equipment. Now you have the chance to bring the premium collection home. Thanks to the special frame construction, the Matrix Ergometer U50 xer provides an extremely low entry.
    4 099,00
    • Varustelu
    • Ergonomia
    • Liikerata
    • Tukevuus
  • Varastossa
    With the Matrix Ergometer U50 xr, Matrix combines an attractive design with unparalleled ergonomics and excellent movement.
    3 199,00
    • Varustelu
    • Ergonomia
    • Liikerata
    • Tukevuus
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Euroopan kuntolaitteiden ykkönen
67 myymälää Euroopassa