Matrix Ergometer U50 xir

Tuotenro MAT-101011-XIR
Ilmainen toimitus!
Toimittajana huolintaliike
Tähän asti
4 599,00

Fitshop testitulos
  • Great workout equipment with sturdy design, entertainment and programme features
  • Natural motion sequence
  • Comfortable arc seat
  • Adjustable multi-position handles with speed buttons for resistance adjustment
  • Loudspeaker (5 watt)
  • Low entry
  • WiFi, Bluetooth interface, USB and HDMI ports
  • Compatible with Netflix, YouTube, Spotify, and other popular entertainment apps
  • The highly intensive Sprint 8 workout programme helps burn fat in short workouts
  • Virtual Active: Experience an interactive workout with breathtaking film material that is synchronised with the intensity and speed of your workout.
  • Incl. two Virtual Active stretches
  • Käyttäjän enimmäispaino: 159 kg
  • Mitat - Matrix Ergometer U50 xir: (P) 122 cm x (L) 62 cm x (K) 143 cm
  • Tekniset tiedot:
    • Jarrujärjestelmä: sähkömagneettinen induktiojarru
    • Q-faktori / Poljinten etäisyys toisistaan: 19.4 cm
  • Harjoitustietokone:
    • Näyttö: aika, matka, nopeus, wattinen, Kierr./min, kalorit, syke
    • Harjoitusohjelmat yhteensä: 12
    • Vastustasot: 30
  • Varustelu:
    • Sykemittaus: käsisensorit + sykevyö (sisältyy toimitukseen)
    • Toimitukseen sisältyy sykevyö sykkeen etämittausta varten
    • Virransyöttö: verkkoliitäntä
    • Satulan säätö: pystysuunta
    • Miellyttävä geelisatula
    • Vaihdettava satula
    • Ohjaustangon säätö: pystysuunta, vaakatasossa,
    • Remmipolkimet
    • Tarvikkeet: Erittäin matala runko, kuljetuspyörät, juomapulloteline

Pleasant workout experience – a lot of adjustment options and a very sturdy frame: Matrix Ergometer U50 xir

The Matrix Ergometer U50 xir is equipped with a lot of features for a pleasant workout experience and optimal comfort. The frame is elegantly curved and provides a very sturdy design thanks to the 2 circumferential tubes on the sides. That shape allows for a very low entry into the workout equipment and is perfectly suitable for all users regardless of age and condition. The saddle allows multiple adjustments and ensures a comfortable workout experience. For a sportier sitting position, you can replace the saddle with a sports saddle as well. The multi-position handlebar provides different grip possibilities and is suitable for both sporty and upright sitting positions.

Bottle holder, compartment, heart rate sensors on the handles, speed buttons for resistance adjustment, and oversized self-raising pedals ensure a comfortable workout as well.

The XIR console: sports as an experience

The sturdy U50 offers you not only joint-gentle and comfortable workouts but also extensive entertainment and programme features that provide fun and motivation.

The XIR console has a 16" HD display and provides a lot of extras for a challenging workout. It is operated through intuitive touchscreen control. With the integrated Viewfit workout tracking, your workout data are automatically transferred to the fitness apps and tools if set to do so. That way, your workout units can also be recorded in other applications, allowing you to always keep track of your workout progress and achievements.

With the XIR console, you profit from the extensive entertainment and workout programmes. You can surf the internet through WiFi, watch your favourite TV show, and use media of your smartphone (e.g., music) or social networks during the workout.

With the Matrix Ergometer U50 xir, you will get closer to your workout goals bit by bit.

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Valmistajan takuu Täystakuu
Kotikäyttö 36 kk

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Fitshop testitulos

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Fitshop tarkastaa jokaisen kuntolaitteen perin pohjin. Sen jälkeen kokeneista urheilutieteilijöistä, ammattiurheilijoista ja huoltoasentajista koostuva tiimimme arvioi eri kategorioiden tuotteet. Fitshopn testituloksen avulla voit helposti verrata tuotteita keskenään ja löytää juuri oikean laitteen omaa harjoitteluasi varten.
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