NOHRD HedgeHock

Tuotenro NO-16102
Enää alle 5 kpl varastossa.
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana UPS
OVH alkaen
Tähän asti alkaen 529,00
Nyt alkaen 469,00

  • Function:
    • For a healthy back posture
    • Adapts to body shape and weight
    • Back-friendly sitting is trained
    • Promotes blood circulation
    • Actively combats tension
  • Components:
    • Solid wood
    • Outer surface made of high-quality real-wood veneer
    • 49 individually sprung seat blocks
  • Very space-saving due to the design
  • Made from durable and high-quality materials
  • Mitat - NOHRD HedgeHock: (P) 45 cm x (L) 45 cm x (K) 45 cm


The NOHRD HedgeHock helps you to train back-friendly sitting. Thanks to its unique design, the seat block adapts to your body shape and weight. The stool also helps you to sit actively. The 49 individually sprung seat blocks promote blood circulation and therefore counteract tension.

Practical design

The stool is made of solid wood and veneered with real wood. There are four high-quality castors under the stool. This makes it easy to move without damaging your floor. With its modern shape and simple colours, it fits perfectly into any room. You can also simply slide it under the table to save space or put it in a corner when you don't need it.

Lisätietoja takuusta saat valmistajan takuuehdoista. Valmistajan takuu on valmistajan myöntämä lisätakuu, jolla ei ole vaikutusta lakisääteiseen kuluttajansuojaan.

Valmistajan takuu Täystakuu
Kotikäyttö 24 kk

Arvostelusi tallennettiin onnistuneesti.
Valitettavasti on tapahtunut virhe. Ole hyvä ja tarkista tietosi.

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