NOHrD SquatRack

Tuotenro NO-34101
Enää 1 kpl varastossa.
Lähetyskulut: Valitse vaihtoehto
Toimittajana huolintaliike
OVH alkaen
Tähän asti alkaen 2 699,00
Nyt alkaen 2 599,00

  • Technical data:
    • Dimensions: 17 x 13 x 221 cm
    • Weight: 60 kg
    • Max. load: 200 kg
    • Height-adjustable (15 different heights)
    • Extendable from two solid wood housings
  • Made from durable wood and high-quality stainless steel
  • Space-saving (can be completely folded in and out)
  • Suitable for intensive muscle training
  • Mitat - NOHrD SquatRack: (P) 17 cm x (L) 13 cm x (K) 221 cm

High-quality design

Thanks to its robust construction of solid wood and stainless steel, the NOHrD SquatRack provides a safe platform for your training. The barbell training device is kept very simple and therefore fits into any room. The SquatRack combines simplicity with aesthetics, making it an absolute eye-catcher.


The SquatRack can be easily attached to the wall. Here you can extend it in two stages at a distance of 50 cm from the wall. The fact that you can fold it in and out completely makes the appliance very space-saving.

Intensive training

You can attach your barbells at 15 different heights. This gives you a wide range of training variations. You can therefore prepare yourself for an intensive muscle workout. The machine's dumbbell racks can be loaded with up to 200 kg, allowing you to vary the intensity of the weights.

Loppukuluttajia koskee yleisen lainsäädännön mukainen tuotevastuu.

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