Trigger Point Handheld massage ball

Tuotenro TP-21278
Lähetyskulut: 20,00 €
Toimittajana FedEx/UPS
Tähän asti

  • Massage ball suitable for muscle tension relief and Easy pains
  • Usable for certain muscle groups, including the lower leg, hips and torso
  • Compact size ideal for on the move
  • Ergonomical grip for easy operation

The Trigger Point Handheld massage ball offers a simple self-massage function and pain relief for tense and tired muscles. Thanks to its compact size, the hand massage ball fits comfortably in a handbag, sports bag or hand luggage, making it the perfect companion on the go. With the ergonomically shaped handle, the massage ball is easy to use and rests comfortably in the hand.
With the palm of your hand, you can apply the pressure you want, from light pressure on the surface to deep into the muscle tissue. The ball has a smooth surface and glides over the skin or clothing without friction, creating ideal conditions for massages in the right place.
The Trigger Point Handheld massage ball is made of high quality materials and is crack-resistant and resistant to gaps in the material. The ball diameter is approx. 7.5 cm and the weight is approx. 200 g.

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